‘Even at very low levels alcohol affects our ability to drive’



One in 10 Irish motorists have driven after consuming alcohol in the last 12 months.

Almost one in three (28%) of this group admitted to consuming two or more drinks on the last occasion they drove after consuming alcohol, in the last 12 months.

Of those who admitted consuming alcohol, the incidence was higher among male drivers (14%), those who drive for work (14%), and those with a history of collision involvement (24%).

The latest analysis from An Garda Síochána reveals the total number of arrests for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs for 2023 was 8,863. A total of 46,165 Mandatory Intoxicant Testing Checkpoints were conducted last year.

The majority of Drink Driving offences were committed by offenders between the age of 22 and 36


Are you covered by insurance if drink driving?

If you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol, it is a criminal offence, and driving while over the legal limit can void your insurance policy. Therefore, if you have an accident while driving under the influence, your insurance company may refuse to cover the damages and you could be held personally liable for any costs incurred.

Can you drink drive in an emergency?

It is never, ever safe to drink and drive, in the instance of an emergency you should call 999. It is illegal to drive over the legal drink driving limits, regardless of the circumstances.

In the event of an emergency, it is recommended to use alternative means of transportation or seek assistance from an experienced driver.


Over 50,500 Road Traffic Collisions were recorded by An Garda Síochána during 2022 including:

150 Fatal Road Traffic Collisions

1,238 Serious Injury Road Traffic Collisions

4,526 Minor Injury Road Traffic Collisions

44,853 Material Damage Road Traffic Collisions


If you mix alcohol with other illegal, recreational drugs or prescription medication, the combined effects  can be unpredictable or dangerous.

Any amount of alcohol impairs driving and increases risk – so the only safe advice is NEVER EVER drink and drive.

If someone has been drinking the night before the only cure is time.

All drivers are affected by drinking even small amounts of alcohol. Alcohol affects judgement, vision, co-ordination, and reaction time.

  • Your peripheral vision is affected making it difficult to see signs and other road users, particularly pedestrians and cyclists

  • Increased reaction time to hazards

  • Driving too fast or too slow

  • Driving in the wrong lane

  • Running over the kerb

  • Weaving

  • Quick, jerky starts

  • Not signalling, failure to use headlights

  • Straddling lanes

  • Running stop signs and red lights

  • Improper overtaking

Drug Testing: Frequently Asked Questions


What drugs can the Gardaí test for?

The new oral fluid preliminary drug test, which can be conducted at the roadside or in a Garda station, can test for Cannabis, Cocaine, Opiates and Benzodiazepines.

How many people have been caught drug driving in Ireland?

During 2022 An Garda Síochána detected 8,038 driving while intoxicated offences (5,331 Alcohol/ 2,707 Drugs).

In January 2023 An Garda Síochána detected 660 drivers for Driving under the Influence Offences (415 Alcohol/ 245 Drugs).

Questions on medicines, drugs & driving

Will I test positively from taking over-the-counter medicine e.g. aspirin/cold and flu medicine?

Most over the counter medicines will not be detected by the new oral fluid test.

However, Codeine, which is contained in products like Neruofen Plus® and Solpadeine® is an opiate and is detectable in oral fluid after use. This is not a problem if you are not impaired. Codeine does have the ability to cause impairment which could affect your ability to drive safely

 What is careless driving?

You’re guilty of a careless driving offence if you drive a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road or other public place without due care and attention, or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road or place.

Driving without due care and attention means driving in a way that falls below what would be expected of a competent and careful driver.

Driving without reasonable consideration for other persons means they are inconvenienced by your driving.

What is dangerous driving?

Dangerous driving puts other road users at risk. It's when "driving falls far below the standard expected of a competent and careful driver and it would be obvious that driving in that way would be dangerous".

What’s the difference between careless and dangerous driving?

Dangerous driving is similar to careless driving but it's more serious. It's when driving falls far below, rather than just below, what would be expected of a competent and careful driver.

While careless driving includes situations that inconvenience other drivers, dangerous driving includes situations where other road users are at risk of harm.

It can include the danger of injuring someone or of seriously damaging property.