Our Mission:

“Safer roads for a safer society”



Our Programme

The DAP programme is designed to deliver changes in attitude and behaviour relating to alcohol & drug driving. Drivers who have committed the offence of Dangerous or Careless Driving (Speeding, No Licence, No Insurance etc.)

Impaired, dangerous and careless drivers account for a significant proportion of road fatalities. This programme helps people acknowledge the consequences of their impaired, dangerous and careless driving and aims to teach them new skills.


Who is it for?

  • DAP is suitable for men and women aged 18 and over.

  • First-time drink drivers and those who have committed a number drink / drug -drive are suitable for this programme.

  • Drivers who have committed the offence of Dangerous or Careless Driving (Speeding, No Licence, No Insurance etc.)

 How is the programme delivered?

  • The programme is delivered via an online format which includes a number of PowerPoint presentations, interactive discussions and exercises. The programme can also be delivered on a one-to-one or group setting on-site if requested.

What does the programme involve?

  • Recognise the implications of substance misuse, dangerous or careless driving has on themselves and others, particularly potential victims of road accidents

  • Encourage positive change in patterns of drinking and drug related behaviour

  • Improve understanding of driving offence

How will it help?

  • Avoid impaired, dangerous and careless driving in the future

  • Understand how alcohol & drugs affects the body and your driving skills

  • Plan effectively so that you don‘t need to drive after drinking

  • Look at why they committed the offence

  • Talk about the effects their behaviour has on other people

  • Improve general driving safety

 Learned outcomes

Participants will have had the opportunity to:

  • Analyse their attitudes towards impaired, dangerous or careless driving

  • Develop skills of emotional control designed to assist in improving decision making

  • Monitor their own drinking patterns and learn how to plan to avoid situations which might lead to drink & drug driving

  • Reflect upon the events leading up to their offence in order see where poor decisions were made and how things could have been different